“Interesting” Videos
Rowing…and swimming:
Learning to scull…How hard can it be?
Learning to sweep…That has to be easier
What can go wrong when you are leading at the Collegiate Championships
Let’s check those angles at the catch
Why they say to “not look outside the boat.”
Why they say to hold onto your oar handle
This race has been abandoned! Stop Racing!
A better system than using stakeboats?
Rowing Crashes:
Why, in a Head Race, you need to yield to the faster boat
Why steering really matters in a Head Race
Why the far arch at Eliot Bridge is not recommended
Why the far arch at Eliot Bridge is better that the abutment
Why coxswains are given a rudder
Why you shouldn’t try to outrun a barge
Sometimes it looks so graceful; sometimes not so much
Those long van rides to the boathouse
Rowing in Jacksonville before global warming
Pretty neat, but will it make the turn between the bridges
Innovative shell design
Harry Parker: Why We Row